Disruption of Shootward Transport of Root-synthesized Cytokinins Delays Plant Senescence in Arabidopsis

Disruption of Shootward Transport of Root-synthesized Cytokinins Delays Plant Senescence in Arabidopsis


Cytokinin(CK) is one of the most important phytohormones which plays an essential role in several developmental processes including plant senescence. In most plant species such as tobacco and Brassica napus, high concentration of CKs often delays leaf senescence. But we found the deficiency of root-synthesized CKs in the leaves of Arabidopsis led to an evident delayed-senescence phenotype. In this CK-deficient mutant, root-synthesized CKs cannot be efficiently transported into shoot, resulting in a series changes to the plant. Compared to the wild-type, the growth rate of the rosette leaves was slower in this mutant, leading to smaller rosette diameters and leaf areas; the average flower time was significantly retarded for almost 3 days;the numbers of rosette leaves and lateral buds also decreased apperently. Most important of all, the life span of the mutant was greatly extended for about 15%. After 6 days treatment under dark condition, the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of detached leaves from this mutant reduced less than that of wild-type. Thus, we speculate that the disruption of shootward transport of root-synthesized CKs in Arabidopsis may delay plant senescence with an unknown molecular mechanism.



类型: 国内会议

作者: Qilu Yu,Xiaojuan Deng,Kewei Zhang

来源: 第三届全国植物开花·衰老与采后生物学大会 2019-11-04

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 生物学

单位: Institute of Plant Genetics and Developmental Biology, College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University

分类号: Q945

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.003330

页码: 44

总页数: 1

文件大小: 196k

下载量: 21


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Disruption of Shootward Transport of Root-synthesized Cytokinins Delays Plant Senescence in Arabidopsis
